“Gold! Gold! Gold! I’m catching gold!”

My big girl ran up and down the driveway popping bubbles, saying each one turned to gold as if she were in a real-life videos game collecting prizes.

The little one blew, or tried to blow bubbles, in the gustyLilacs for Charlotte wind. I kept turning to keep the soapy spheres from flying back in my face. All the while, the deep scent of lilacs wafted over me. I stood in the bright, cool sun of that moment, noticing how big my girls had gotten, their enthusiasm, their smiles.

I stood under the lilacs bubbles wafting off my wand and held space for two friends and the little ones they had lost. The scent of lilacs always brings to mind Charlotte, born and gone in this time of their flowering, and her mama Carol. The bubbles are for Hudson, a tradition started by her mom Mandy, such a sweet way to remember her little girl.

Breathe deep the lilacs, smile as you blow some bubbles, hug your kids tight, send out a little peace to those who can’t.

I am so grateful to have met these women and have them part of my tribe. You can find part of Carol’s story here and Mandy’s here.